8th CBSE Notes On Human Resources

        Grade : VIII 

 Geography  Chapter: 10  

 Human Resources 

Question And Answers

Fill In The Blanks

  1. Areas that are sparsely populated usually have hostile environments.
  2. Almost three quarters of the world’s population live in the continents of Asia and Africa.
  3. The most populated country in the world is India, followed by China.
  4. Economically active population is considered to be aged between 15 and 65.
  5. A balanced population indicates economic development and stability of a country.



Que : ?
Answer :
  1. Humans have an incomparable ability to utilise the bounties of nature not only for their sustenance but also for generating long term developmental values from them. 
  2. Hence, human beings are considered as the most crucial resource for a country.
Que : ?
Answer :
  1. The pattern in which people are spread across the world is known as population distribution.
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Answer :
  1. The movement of people from one place to another is called migration.
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Answer :
  1. Gender ratio, literacy level and health conditions are attributes that affect the economic prosperity of a place. 
  2. All these characteristics of the population are together referred to as the composition of population.



Que :  ? 
Answer : 
  1. Generally, areas on high latitude, such as the polar regions and the high mountains; the tropical deserts and areas of equatorial forests are sparsely populated.
  2.  Areas that have habitable environments are generally densely populated. 
  3. For example, South and South East Asia, Europe and the northeastern parts of North America are densely populated. 
  4. Similarly, the north of the equator is more populated than its south.
Que : ? 
Answer :
  1. Over the last 3000 years, the changes in world population have not been even.
  2. The growth curve is almost flat till the nineteenth century, 
  3. It becomes increasingly steep from the beginning of the twentieth century. 
  4. The major cause of this sudden increase is the increasing gap between the birth and the death rates.
Que : ? 
Answer :
  1. The natural causes of population change are birth and death. 
  2. The difference between the birth rate and death rate of a country is called the natural growth rate of its population. 
  3. If the birth rate is more than the death rate, then there is an increase in population, and if the death rate is more than the birth rate, then there is a decrease in population.
  4.  Migration is another reason for changes in the size of a population.  
  5. People who leave a country are called emigrants, while those who arrive in a country are called immigrants. 
Que : ? 
Answer :
  1. The width of the base of the pyramid is an indication of the birth rate of a country. 
  2. Its slope indicates the death rate and its height indicates the life expectancy.
  3.  A population pyramid that is broad at the base indicates that the percentage of young people is high. 
  4. A pyramid that tapers and becomes narrow at the top indicates that a very small percentage of the population are elders. 
  5. Apart from the rate of birth, death and life expectancy of the population, the population pyramid also shows the balance between the male and female populations. 
  6. A sudden dip in the active young population indicates a possible out migration.

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