Grade : VIII
Politics Chapter: 7
Public Facilities
Question And Answers
Fill In The Blanks
- Safe drinking water can prevent many water-borne diseases.
- The primary motive of private companies is to earn profits.
- The budget is presented by the government in the Parliament every year.
- Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan was announced by the government for open defecation-free country in 2014.
True Or False
- The prices of the water tanks are fixed by the private companies : False
- Rainwater harvesting in Chennai has increased the level of groundwater : True
- Sulabh is an example of a partnership between local authorities, a non-governmental organisation and the community: True
- The transportation and the distribution of water to different areas are done by the government with the help of private companies : True
Que : What do you understand by the term Public Facilities? Who ensure that these facilities are provided to the citizens?
Answer :
- The term ‘public facilities’ stands for the facilities which are provided to the people, such as electricity, schools, colleges and good transport facilities.
- The government ensures that these facilities are provided to the citizens.
Que : Explain any one way through which river/stream gets contaminated?
Answer :
- One way a river/stream gets contaminated is by the poisonous chemicals discharged into it by factories.
Que : Why has the concept of Sulabh been considered as a boon for the local bodies and the community?
Answer :
- The concept of ‘Sulabh’ is considered to be a boon for the local bodies and the community as it is a landmark in the field of community health, hygiene and environmental sanitation.
Que : Explain how people share the benefits of public facilities with the help of an example
Answer :
- If a school is established in a village, it will help the children of that area to educate themselves.
- Similarly, if electricity reaches a village, they will be able to work in a shop or a factory for a longer duration.
- It will help to improve the irrigation facilities.
- Thus, we can observe from these examples that people share the benefits of public facilities.
Que : What is the sources of funding for the government? What are these funds used for?
Answer :
- The government is funded by the revenue that is generated by the taxes collected from the people, such as house tax, toll tax and water tax etc
- The government uses these taxes for making roads, providing electricity, water, etc. in rural as well as in urban areas.
- Other sources of revenue include state-owned companies and revenue generated from natural resources such as oil and gas.