6th CBSE Notes on Major Domains of the Earth

   Grade : VI 

Geography  Chapter : 6 

 Domains Of The Earth 

Question And Answers



Que : What is the lithosphere composed of
Answer :
  1. The lithosphere comprises Earth’s crust and soil that contain elements essential to support organisms.
Que : What is Eurasia
Answer :
  1. Europe and Asia are combinedly known as Eurasia.
Que : What is an Isthmus? Give an example. 
Answer :
  1.  A narrow stretch of land that connects two continents and separates two water bodies is called an isthmus, for example, the Isthmus of Panama.
Que : How is radio communication is possible on Earth
Answer :
  1. Radio communication is possible on Earth because of the charged particles of gases in the Thermosphere.



Que : Give a detailed account of Southern continent. 
Answer :
South America: 
  1. It is the fourth largest continent on Earth. 
  2. A major portion of it is located in the  Southern Hemisphere. North America and South America Isthmus of Panama. 
  3. The Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean surround South America on the east and the west, respectively. 
  4. The world’s largest river, the Amazon, is also located in South America. 
  1. It is the fifth largest continents on Earth. 
  2. South Pole lies at the centre of this continent. 
  3. Antarctica is also known as the frozen continent. 
  4. India’s research stations are named Maitri and Dakshin Gangotri are located at this continent.
  1. It is the smallest of all the continents. 
  2. The name Australia is derived from the Latin word australis, meaning ‘southern’. 
  3. It is also referred to as the island continent.
Que : 
Answer :
The five oceans are: 
    1. Pacific Ocean, 
    2. Atlantic Ocean, 
    3. Indian Ocean, 
    4. Arctic Ocean and 
    5. Southern Ocean. 
The Pacific Ocean: 
  1. It is the largest of all the oceans.
  2. Covers one-third of Earth’s surface. 
  3. It is circular in shape, 
  4. It is surrounded by Asia, Australia, North America and South America.
 The Atlantic Ocean: 
  1. It is the second largest ocean of the Earth. 
  2. It has North America and South America on its west 
  3. Europe and Africa on its east. 
  4. Due to a highly indented coastline, this ocean provides ideal locations for natural harbours and ports. 
  5. This makes it the busiest in terms of maritime commerce.
 The Indian Ocean: 
  1. The only ocean that is named after a country. 
  2. It is almost triangular in shape. 
  3. It surrounds the Indian subcontinent, with Asia on its north, Africa on its west and Australia on its east. 
 The Arctic Ocean: 
  1. The smallest ocean of the planet 
  2. It is connected to the Pacific Ocean by the Bering Strait, a narrow stretch of shallow water. 
  3. The ocean surrounds the North Pole and is bound by North America, Europe and Asia. 
 The Southern Ocean: 
  1. It contains the southernmost waters of three oceans: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. 
  2. As the ocean surrounds Antarctica, it is also known as the Antarctic Ocean. 
Que : Explain the different layers of the Atmosphere. 
Answer :

learnwithfk layers of the atmosphere

Que : What are pollution? What are the various types of pollution
Answer :

The presence of the harmful substances in the environment is called pollution. 
The types of pollution are:
 Air pollution: 
  1. Mixing of harmful gases like chlorofluorocarbons, methane, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, pollens and dust particles in the air is called air pollution.
Water pollution: 
  1. Contamination of water due to the addition of sewage, industrial, agricultural and domestic wastes, oil spills and dead remains of plants and animals is known as water pollution.
Land pollution: 
  1. Land pollution is a result of degradation of the land mainly due to human activities like 
    • Deforestation, 
    • Using chemical fertilizers in agriculture 
    • Overgrazing by cattles etc.

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