Grade : VI
Geography Chapter : 6
Domains Of The Earth
Question And Answers
Que : What is the lithosphere composed of?
Answer :
- The lithosphere comprises Earth’s crust and soil that contain elements essential to support organisms.
Que : What is Eurasia?
Answer :
- Europe and Asia are combinedly known as Eurasia.
Que : What is an Isthmus? Give an example.
Answer :
- A narrow stretch of land that connects two continents and separates two water bodies is called an isthmus, for example, the Isthmus of Panama.
Que : How is radio communication is possible on Earth?
Answer :
- Radio communication is possible on Earth because of the charged particles of gases in the Thermosphere.
Que : Give a detailed account of Southern continent.
Answer :
South America:
- It is the fourth largest continent on Earth.
- A major portion of it is located in the Southern Hemisphere. North America and South America Isthmus of Panama.
- The Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean surround South America on the east and the west, respectively.
- The world’s largest river, the Amazon, is also located in South America.
- It is the fifth largest continents on Earth.
- South Pole lies at the centre of this continent.
- Antarctica is also known as the frozen continent.
- India’s research stations are named Maitri and Dakshin Gangotri are located at this continent.
- It is the smallest of all the continents.
- The name Australia is derived from the Latin word australis, meaning ‘southern’.
- It is also referred to as the island continent.
Que : ?
Answer :
The five oceans are:
- Pacific Ocean,
- Atlantic Ocean,
- Indian Ocean,
- Arctic Ocean and
- Southern Ocean.
- It is the largest of all the oceans.
- Covers one-third of Earth’s surface.
- It is circular in shape,
- It is surrounded by Asia, Australia, North America and South America.
- It is the second largest ocean of the Earth.
- It has North America and South America on its west
- Europe and Africa on its east.
- Due to a highly indented coastline, this ocean provides ideal locations for natural harbours and ports.
- This makes it the busiest in terms of maritime commerce.
- The only ocean that is named after a country.
- It is almost triangular in shape.
- It surrounds the Indian subcontinent, with Asia on its north, Africa on its west and Australia on its east.
- The smallest ocean of the planet
- It is connected to the Pacific Ocean by the Bering Strait, a narrow stretch of shallow water.
- The ocean surrounds the North Pole and is bound by North America, Europe and Asia.
- It contains the southernmost waters of three oceans: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
- As the ocean surrounds Antarctica, it is also known as the Antarctic Ocean.
Que : Explain the different layers of the Atmosphere.
Answer :
Que : What are pollution? What are the various types of pollution?
Answer :
The presence of the harmful substances in the environment is called pollution.
The types of pollution are:
Air pollution:
- Mixing of harmful gases like chlorofluorocarbons, methane, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, pollens and dust particles in the air is called air pollution.
Water pollution:
- Contamination of water due to the addition of sewage, industrial, agricultural and domestic wastes, oil spills and dead remains of plants and animals is known as water pollution.
Land pollution:
- Land pollution is a result of degradation of the land mainly due to human activities like
- Deforestation,
- Using chemical fertilizers in agriculture
- Overgrazing by cattles etc.