Grade : VIII
Question And Answers
8th November 2022
Date : 9th November, Day : Wednesday
Que : How can you say that we have a rule of law in India? Give reason?
Answer :
- We have the rule of law in India as all the citizens are equal in the eyes of law regardless of their socio-economic status, caste or gender.
- Even elected representatives, like lawmakers and ministers, are not exempted from the law.
- Thus, we can say that we have the rule of law in India.
Que : Which two laws show the arbitrariness of British laws in India?
Answer :
The two laws that show arbitrariness of British laws in India are as follows:
- The Sedition Act of 1870 was a clear example of the arbitrary nature of British laws.
- Under this act, any person protesting against or criticizing the British government could be arrested without a fair trial.
- The Rowlatt Act passed by the British in 1919 allowed certain political cases to be tried without juries and permitted imprisonment of suspects without trial.
Que : How can people show their resentment against the laws they don't agree with?
Answer :
- People are free to express their resentment against the laws they do not agree with by holding meetings, peaceful protests, candlelight protests, discussions on mass media, etc.
Que : How did women's groups get the new law on domestic violence passed?
Answer :
- Women’s groups got the new law on domestic violence passed by forming several women’s organizations and collaborating with government bodies like
- The National Commission for Women, which made submissions to the Standing Committee of the Parliament, requesting it to social and political life to amend the bill
Que : What new provisions were added in the new law to protect women against domestic violence?
Answer :
New provisions added to the new law to protect women against domestic violence were
- Guaranteeing a woman to have a tight of violence-free home.
- The new civil law aimed at providing relief to millions of women affected by violence in their homes.
- Women could now get a legal protection order or a restraining order against any form of violence.
- This order is used by a court to protect a person in a situation involving alleged domestic violence, harassment, stalking or sexual assault.
- Women could also get monetary relief to meet their expenses, including medical costs.
- A clause for child custody was also introduced in the revised law, wherein temporary custody of children was granted to the aggrieved parent.
- According to the new law, it is the responsibility of the government as well as the citizens to ensure that it is effectively implemented and enforced
Que : Does the role of citizens in a democracy end after electing their representatives? Explain
Answer :
- No, the role of citizens in a democracy does not end after electing their representatives,
- It is essential to keep checking on the government’s work in a democratic set-up through newspapers, the Internet and other forms of mass media.
- We must carefully analyse the work being done by our parliamentarians and take a stand against any injustice that we notice.
- It is the extent of involvement and enthusiasm of the people that guides the government and helps it perform its tasks efficiently.