6th CBSE Notes On The Motion of The Earth

 Grade : VI 

Geography  CHAPTER : 4 

 Motion Of The Earth 


Question And Answers

31st October 2022

 Date : 31st October Day : Monday 

Que : How does day and night occur?
Answer :
  1. The main reason for the occurrence of day and night is the rotation of the earth.
  2. Only half of the earth faces the sun and the other half remains away from the sun. 
  3. It is daytime on the part of the earth that faces the sun, while it is night in the other half. 
  4. The circle that divides day and night on the globe is called the circle of illumination.
Que : Compare Summer Solstice and Winter Solstices? 
Answer :
The summer solstice happens on 21 June in the Northern Hemisphere. The winter solstice occurs on 22 December in the Northern Hemisphere.
The areas near the Tropic of Cancer receive maximum sunlight due to the tilt of the North Pole towards the sun The areas near the Tropic of Capricorn receive maximum sunlight due to the tilt of the South Pole towards the sun
It experience longer days and shorter nights in the Northern Hemisphere It experience shorter days and longer nights in the Northern Hemisphere
The areas beyond the Arctic Circle remain in daylight for six months at a stretch The areas beyond the Arctic Circle remain in darkness for six months during winter

Que : Explain how a leap year happens? 
Answer :
  1. There are 365 days in a calendar year. 
  2. Though the earth takes 365 days and six hours to complete one revolution around the sun, 
  3. But for the sake of convenience, we ignore the quarter day, which is six 
  4. hours, and think of a year having 365 days. 
  5. Over four years, the remaining six hours add up to 24 hours, or one full day. 
  6. This day is added to the calendar every four years in the month of February as 
  7. the 29th day. 
  8. This is why, every fourth year is a leap year.

1st November 2022

 Date : 1st November Day : Wednesday 

Que : Compare  Solstice and Equinoxes? 
Answer :
The word ‘solstice’ comes from the Latin words sol, meaning ‘sun’, and stitium, meaning ‘to stand still’.      The word equinox is derived from the Latin word aequinoctium, which means ‘equal night’.
The solstices occur twice a year, on 21st June and 22nd December. Equinoxes occur twice a year, on 21 March and 23 September.
It occur when the sun is farthest from the equator. It occur when the sun is nearest to the equatorial region
Sun shine directly over the tropic Sun shine directly over the equator
The length of days and nights are unequal during solstices. The length of days and nights are equal during equinox.
The two types of solstices are summer solstice (21st June) and winter solstice (22nd December). The two types of equinoxes are spring equinox (21 March ) and autumn equinox ( 23 September )


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