01/09/2022 Internal Structure of Earth
Date: 01/09/2022 Day : Thursday
Crust | Mantle | Core |
Outer most layer of the earth | Middle layer of the earth | Inner most layer of the earth |
Soft layer of the earth | Thickest layer of the earth | Hottest layer of the earth |
It is classified into Continental crust & Oceanic crust | It is classified into Upper Mantle(Asthenosphere) & Lower Mantle |
It is classified into Outer Core & Inner Core |
Depth up to 100 km Thickness of Oceanic crust is 5 km Continental crust is 35 km |
Depth from 100 to 2900 km | Depth from 2900 to 6376 km Outer core from 2900 to 5100km Inner Core from 5100 to 6376 km |
Composed of Silica & Magnesium ( SiMa) in Oceanic crust Silica & Aluminium (SiAl) in Continental Crust |
It composed of Silicate Rocks. | It composed of Nickel and Ferrous (NiFe) |
Different type of rocks such as Sedimentary, Metamorphic, Basalt ( Oceanic crust) rocks are found here |
Magma chamber is located in this layer |
Outer core is in liquid state on the other hand Inner core is Solid state |
Temperature varies from 0 to 60 degree Celsius |
Temperature varies from 800 to 30000 degree Celsius | Temperature varies from 3000 to 6000 degree Celsius |
It is inhabited layer | It is uninhabited layer | It is uninhabited layer |