7th CBSE Notes On Inside Our Earth


01/09/2022 Internal Structure of Earth

Date: 01/09/2022 Day : Thursday

Explain the difference between Crust, Mantle and Core.

Crust Mantle Core
Outer most layer of the earth Middle layer of the earth Inner most layer of the earth
Soft layer of the earth Thickest layer of the earth Hottest layer of the earth
It is classified into Continental crust & Oceanic crust  It is classified into Upper Mantle(Asthenosphere)
& Lower Mantle
It is classified into Outer Core & Inner Core
Depth up to 100 km        
Thickness of Oceanic crust is 5 km
Continental crust is 35 km
Depth from 100 to 2900 km Depth from 2900 to 6376 km
Outer core from 2900 to 5100km
Inner Core from 5100 to 6376 km
Composed of Silica & Magnesium
( SiMa) in Oceanic crust 
Silica & Aluminium (SiAl) in
Continental Crust
It composed of Silicate Rocks. It composed of Nickel and
Ferrous (NiFe)
Different type of rocks such as Sedimentary, Metamorphic,
 Basalt ( Oceanic crust) rocks
are found here
Magma chamber is located
 in this layer
Outer core is in liquid state
on the other hand Inner core is Solid state
Temperature varies from
0 to 60 degree Celsius 
Temperature varies from 800 to 30000 degree Celsius  Temperature varies from
3000 to 6000 degree Celsius 
It is inhabited layer It is uninhabited layer It is uninhabited layer

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