9th CBSE Notes on Natural Vegetation and Wild life

 What are the factors influence the huge diversity of Flora & Fauna in India ?

The factors which influence the huge diversity of Flora and Fauna are 

1. Relief   and  2. Climate

1. Relief 


        The nature of land influences the type of vegetation. 
        The fertile level is generally devoted to agriculture.
        The undulating and rough terrains are areas where grassland and woodlands develop and give shelter to a variety of wildlife. 

Soil : 

        Different types of soils provide basis for different types of vegetation. 
        The sandy soils of the desert support cactus and thorny bushes,
        Wet marshy, deltaic soils support mangroves and deltaic vegetation. 
        The hill slopes with some depth of soil have conical trees.

        2. Climate

Temperature : 

        Temperature along with humidity in the air,precipitation and soil influence the vegetation of an area.
        Fall in the temperature with increasing of height affects the types of vegetation and its     growth,  from tropical to subtropical temperate and alpine vegetation.           

Photoperiod : 

        The variation in duration of sunlight at different places is due to differences in 

                Season and 
               Duration of the day

        Trees grow faster in summer due to longer duration sunlight.

        The place receiving longer duration of sunlight have dense  vegetation

Precipitation : 

        Areas of heavy rainfall have more dense vegetation as compared to areas of less rainfall.
        India is blessed with heavy rainfall from Advancing South west monsoon and Retreating Northeast monsoon

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