8th Class Phy Notes On Force

Date : 21/06/2021  Day : Monday

Force : Push or pull of an object is called Force.

Type of Forces : Contact Force and Non-Contact Force.

Contact Force : The Force which result when there is a direct physical contact between two objects is called contact force.

Non-Contact Force : The Force which occurs without any physical contact between two objects is called Non-contact force.

Other name of Non-Contact Force: Field force and Force at a distance

Type Of Contact Force : 

1. Muscular Force

2. Frictional Force

3. Normal

4. Tension

Type Of Non-Contact / Field Force :

1. Gravitational Force

2. Magnetic Force

3. Electrostatic Force


Date : 22/06/2021  Day : Tuesday

Muscular Force : The Force exerted by our body muscle is called Muscular Force.

Frictional Force : The resisting force to the movement of an object.

Normal Force : The force acting pependicular to the movement of an object.

Tension Force : It is a feeling of tightness in a rope or a string like hanging.


Date : 03/07/2021  Day:  Saturday

Magnetic Force : The magnetic force attracts a magnetic material such as iron. It attracts the unlike pole of another magnet and It repel the like pole of another magnet

  Eg : N - N = Repel. ( like poles )

  N - S = Attract ( Unlike poles )

Gravitational Force : The attractive force between any two massive objects is called Gravitational Force.

Electrostatic Force : The force excreted by a charged body on other charged body is known as Electrostatic force.

Net Force : The algebraic sum of all the forces acting on a body is known as Net Force and it is denoted by Fnet.

FBD : The diagram showing all the forces acting on an object at a particular instant is called Free Body Diagram.

Pressure : The force acting perpendicular on unit area of a surface is called pressure. 

P = F / A 

Its Unit in SI system is  N / m2.

SI : System of  International.

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