SSC Social Slip Test : 01


Online Slip Test No: 01 

Date: 31/03/21   Subject : Social   Marks :20

I. Answer the following questions very shortly                 ( 5 x 1 1/2= 7 1/2)

01. Expand NBA ? 

02.What made the silent valley forest called silent ? 

03. How does people around the world responded to the Bhopal Gas Disaster ?

04. Why do World Bank decided to withdraw its funding to Narmada sarovar dam ?

05. Write two slogans to protect rare species like lion tailed macaque.

II. Answer the following questions shortly. (4 x 3 = 12)

06. What are the demands of NBA Movement ?

07. What are the demands of Bhopal Gas Disaster ?

08. Explain Green Peace Movement with its          aim.

09. Draw the Outline map of India and point Sardar Sarovar Dam Project.

Half Marks for paper maintenance and hand writing.

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