Social Response For FA 3

                  SOCIAL RESPONSE

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    Page No : 01


Interpret on the various causes for the Farmer's Suicide and give some solutions to reduce it

Page No : 02

The Main Causes For The Farmer's Suicide As Follows.......

                        In Our India more than 80% of  farmers are engaging  their agricultural practice in small lands so they cannot produce as much products sufficiently as they want  this lead them very hard to meet their daily needs so it force them to borrow money from large land owners or money lenders with high interest rate but they cannot repay the amount and make them to think suicide is the only one solution........ and many more reasons also follow here.........

# Lack of rainfall

Less support from Government

# Lack of financial help

Crop failures due to over usage of chemical fertilizers

Low MSP ( Minimum Support Price ) for their products

Lack of modern techniques to improve products

Not enough collateral to get loan from the bank  

Lack of Irrigation facilities

Farmers are  caught in debt traps

Selling farm land for various reasons such as Girls Marriage, Children education etc

     Here is some of the solution to reduce the problems of Farmer's Suicide

# Government should provide much support to the Farmers because they are the back bone of our Indian Economy

Should give high MSP to their products

# Farmers must necessarily be educated about modern farming techniques and practices

Water shed program should enabled for increasing the irrigation facilities 

Should encourage Dry land cultivation such as Cotton, Jowar, Bajra etc by introducing this grains in to PDS

Farm loans at soft interest rates need to be made available

Storage and food processing units need to be established in rural areas

Should encourage the farmers to diversification of agriculture, It means along with agriculture they also should engage in other activities like Poultry farming, dairy farming, Cattle rearing etc

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We can conclude that over all in India farming activities became very risky because it highly depend on Nature but the various activities of human make the environment much destruction as it can hold, this lead to heavy floods or heavy droughts conditions make agricultural practice worse and increasing the  farmer's suicide day by day....

So it is the duty and responsible for each and every citizens of our country to protect and support our Nation  Feeders......

  Let's Join hands to save farmers’ life.....


* " If You Ate Today

       Thank A Farmer "

* " Farmers Feed The World "

* "No Farmers, No Food, No Future."

*" Jai Jawan Jai Kisan "

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