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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education On Students
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education as follows....
# Online learning is a great revolutionary and alternative to the traditional knowledge
# Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free
# It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation
# Extra time left for hobbies or for finding a job after completion of online class.
# Students can understand every concept digitally which helps to come out from imagination
# It reduce the cost of Education
# It helps to bring the knowledge to our home
# Online courses promote life long learning
# Students involve in technical knowledge through smart class
# Children can update their knowledge time to time.
# The Major disadvantages of online class especially for students that they may convert into bad way of thought which forcing them to see unnecessary content in online
# It reduce the importance of relationship which created in the school such as friends, Teacher and Student
# Online class cannot achieve to give education to all specially for the childrens from remote areas.
# Children may forget the traditional games and sports
# It create many health problems to students since they watch continuously through mobile or computer.
# It effects the practice based learning
# It reduce the imagining power of children
# It makes Isolation of children
# Reducing social interaction
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We can conclude that over all online education is best platform to learn many thing but at the same time it makes lot of problems in the life of children .
So if the class run with proper care taken by parents and teachers it can run very smoothly by reducing problems.
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