Himalayas play a vital role in the India's development,Comment.


( Check this Question in your text book of 

     Improve your learning from the first lesson

     and write that question no in your fair note, 

     I guess it is 11 because i have old edition

     text book

11. Himalayas play a vital role in the India's 



         Importance of Himalaya in India /

               Uses of Himalayas

Ans: 01. Himalayas act as a barrier protecting the

                 northern great plain of India from the

                 cold winds of  central Asia during

                 severe winter

        02. Himalayas are the reason for summer 

              rain in the region beyond the western

               ghats of India

        03. It makes monsoon type of climate in India

        04. The melting of glaciers help in the 

               formation of perennial rivers

        05. The silt and gravel brought by these rivers 

               make the northern plain very fertile with

              alluvial soil

        06. It helps to boosting of agricultural 

               development in the northern plain

        07. With the increasing of raw material from

              agriculture help to develop industries in 


        08. Through industries there can generate 

               large no of employments

        09.The major dams can built across the 

              perennial rivers which help economic 

              development in the country by 

              generating hydro electricity, 

              providing irrigation facilities etc.

        10. The valleys and hill stations of the

              Himalayas have been attracted 

               people all over the world.

        11. It promote tourism and bring foreign

              currency to India which help to 

              develop the country.

        12. The Alpine vegetation of the Himalayas 

               is an important contribution of

               forest economy

        13. Without having the Himalaya India would 

              be a tropical desert 

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